The Greatest Cat Power - The Greatest It took me a while, but I have finally given in to the tortured charms of Chan Marshall.

Law & Order:Criminal Intent Series 3 Bobby Goran is, hands down, the best detective to work on our screens. Ever. I won't hear anything more about it.

House Series 2 Misery galore

West Wing: Series 5 Sorry, what are you going on about? Nope, haven't a clue. Unmissable.

TR:L Well, not yet, but I will be. All the leaping, climbing and swinging is done for you. Hurrah!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Shameless Plugging - What An Inauspicious Start

So, I just wanted to link directly to my old website at A Less Brilliant Pen It saves time repeating what I said over there...over here. I'm sure whatever happens here will be as clunky as the first time behind the wheel of a car, but, as it seems to serve a basic kind of cathartic need, I'm not really too concerned. I'm sure all bloggers have a dark yearning to reach the heights of underground celebrity - "Speak For Yourself!" - but, to get there, you have to learn your chops; and don't expect to do it in front of an audience. Anyway, let's go.

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